Dominick Pham,
Creative Technologist

I'm a designer, an engineer, and an artist. Basically, I build things that are either really functional or completely useless. Follow me on Instagram for hobbies and LinkedIn for thoughts on leadership, design, technology, and innovation.


Corne Keyboard Case
Flow Markdown / Text Editor
Homemade Vacuum
Wooden Glasses Holder
Dactyl Handwired Keyboard
UT47.2 Hand Cannon
IBM PS/2 to USB-C Mod
Mechanical Plotter


Astrid Portrait 8-20
Astrid Bath 7-20
Astrid's Baby Announcement
Jaxton Portrait 8-18
Sarah Portrait 8-18
Kailey Portrait 1-18
Mad Zak
StartupBus Mascot

[Flow] is that feeling you get when you’re “in the zone”: fully in control while performing an activity with clear goals and immediate feedback; where the rest of the world fades away, allowing you to achieve higher levels of performance in a new focused state of consciousness. I’m iterating on this idea: a management framework for fostering happiness, productivity, and individual growth, grounded on the principles of flow.

More Blog Posts

Innovation at scale

After working on a few different innovation teams at Amazon, I've found that innovation at an enterprise level can generally be classified as one of the following: continuous innovation, discontinuous innovation, and big vision ideas... [H]ere are some thoughts on what I think are critical for success for each type of innovation [...]

Antifragility & Skill Building

Antifragility is a concept developed by Nassim Taleb in 2012 to describe systems that become stronger, more resilient, or even thrive when stressors are applied to it. I think[...] that my ability to acquire technical skills at the functional level has a lot to do with a healthy amount of stressors applied, which comes in the form of unfamiliar domains, limited existing resources, and compressed timelines. [...]