Wooden Glasses Holder

Cover Image for [object Object]

Around my 5th wedding anniversary, I came across a picture of a really cute eyeglasses holder made out of wood. For the uninitiated or those who want some inspiration for your next anniversary present, there's a list of anniversary gift suggestions by year (the theme for year 5 is wood, in case you didn't catch on). I had just gotten my CNC 3018 router and thought: "I could totally make this." I eventually found a site that sold it, but regardless, there was no way I'd pay for one. I wanted it to look like Chewy, our special snaggle-toothed Brussels Griffon / Maltese mix; the only way I'd get his likeness is to make it myself.

I had a cheap wooden board sitting around that was perfect for the job (it's actually a $3 chopping board from Daiso). Since my router only has a z-depth of about 50mm, I couldn't make this out of a single piece even if I had a thicker wood block. So I took to Fusion 360 and designed it specifically to be cut into 6 pieces. These were wood-glued and finished with the Waterlox stain, giving it a nice shade that matched Chewy's fur more. There's a bar that acts as a nose bridge, connecting from the nose piece through the back of the head where the glasses handle can rest on.